Being pregnant. When I thought about being pregnant I had all of these misconceptions of what it would be like when I got pregnant. I thought that I would be able to know instantly that I was pregnant and that I would be sick all the time and that my boobs would get huge (at least hoping so:). I had the opposite experience. I did not feel pregnant at all. I was tired, but it was the end of the school year and all teachers are exhausted. I also had mono in March so I was feeling more awake then the whole month of March. I never got sick, I never had any food aversions, I felt normal. That is one of the reasons why we waited until 12 weeks to share our exciting news. I just couldn't believe that I was growing a baby. When we would go to our doctors appointment I was never emotionally, I was more in aww that there was a baby in there. I remember hearing its heartbeat and looking at Travis and saying "I can't believe it's actually in there" lol. It was such a weird experience. So all in all I have been very blessed in my pregnancy journey. I am looking forward to seeing what else is to come. I also do not think that I have had too many cravings. Some things just taste really good, but PIZZA is always good so I don't consider it a craving. As for the baby bump. No bump yet. I will post pictures from 12 weeks and 13 weeks. Tomorrow marks 14 weeks so I will add 14 weeks tomorrow. I think it is starting to grow because I can feel some cramping, which I am assuming is my uterus stretching. So we will see if I start to pop here.
12 weeks |
Also, I am working on taking better pictures. I am not quite sure how to stand. So the first couple may be akward.
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13 weeks |
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