Friday, November 23, 2012

36 WEEKS- 4 to go

36 weeks. PJ Day at School

The Very Beginning

36 weeks.  Where does the time go.  My belly is just growing by the day.  My face is getting puffy too.  This last week was great.  A bunch of my college friends came into town for the weekend.  It was so great seeing them.  Makes me miss them so much and wish they didn’t live over 4 hours away.  It was great to visit with them and catch up.  My sister and my mom also threw me a wonderful baby shower.  So many of my friends came and spoiled baby H with lots of wonderful things.  I am so thankful to have such amazing women in my life.   We almost got everything we need for baby H to arrive.  Travis and I, washed everything and put all of the little clothes away.  It is amazing how our little baby will fit in those tiny clothes.  It makes me so excited to meet him/her.   It is funny at the beginning of our pregnancy we got so many guesses that baby H was a girl, as of lately so many people have switched and are now guessing it is a boy. I cant wait to find out. Hopefully sometime in early December baby H will arrive early and surprise us.  
School this week was a little crazy with Thanksgiving break coming up.  My students were very excited and ready for a long weekend.  I definitely felt the tiredness of being pregnant these first three days of the week.  It was hard to get up and get moving. I just keep telling myself in four weeks I will be able to stay home with my new little baby for 7 weeksJ
We also had another doctor’s appointment this week.   Baby H’s heart rate was 170.  Last time it was 140 and has been as low as 129.  The nurse said he/she was moving all over in there.  I have no idea how people predict if it is a boy or girl based on the heart rate.  Everything else with the doctor appointment went well. I am still measuring great for 36 weeks and on Monday we get an ultrasound to check the baby’s size. I can’t wait to find out how our little one is doing in there.     

How far along?  36 weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds- gaining a pound every week. I also think that I am on track to gain two pounds this week. 
Maternity clothes? Yes. My friends and I did a little shopping last week and got a couple new shirts to show off my wonderful tummy.       
Stretch Marks? I haven’t spotted any yet, but my friend told me her friend got a ton the last week so you never know.     
Best Moment: SEEING MY FRIENDS    
Miss Anything:  Running.  I cant wait to go on a long run and get a good sweat going.          
Movement: Yes, more of a rolling motion.  The baby always hangs out on the right hand side of my tummy and rolls its feet up by my ribs. I think he/she is running out of room. 
Food cravings:  No cravings. Loving dessert, but that is nothing new from before I was pregnant.    
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing     
Have you started to show yet? Yes, yes, and yes. My sister says my belly looks fake.  It just popped right out there.           
Labor Signs: No , but I am feeling some pain down my right leg.  I also sometimes get a little cramping, but I do not think I have had any contractions.     
Belly button in or out? Poppin      
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on for now.  Starting to get a  little puffy.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy-
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to my ultrasound on Monday and being full term (37 weeks).   It is crazy to think baby H can arrive anytime in the next 3 to 4 weeks. That is sooo soon, but I am ready to finally meet our little one.    


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