Saturday, January 10, 2015

37 Weeks- FULL TERM

37 Weeks- 2nd Baby
39 + weeks- 1st Baby (Kenna)

Yay, for being full term. I can't believe we are down to three weeks. At first, I was like alright lets get this baby out, I am done being pregnant.  Then last night, I had a change of heart.  I am okay with being pregnant and want to take these last couple of weeks to love up on Kenna as much as I can.  Her world is about to change forever, as well as ours.  I love her to pieces and want her to know that even when the new baby comes.  I had so much anxiety and worry about having two kiddos, but then last night I was thinking of my sisters and how much I love them and how they are my best friends.  That is what I am giving Kenna, is a life long best friend. Someone she can get into trouble with, play with, cry with, laugh with, and celebrate all of the good times and bad times life brings us.  So even though, she might be sad at first because the baby takes up a lot of time I know in the long run she will be so happy to have a sibling- girl or boy!  So, as much as I am done being pregnant, and feeling tired, and uncomfortable, and crabby, I am going to try to change my outlook of these next couple weeks and focus on fun things I can do with Kenna, and soak up all time with her I can.  

This week was a nice week. A little cold, -38 is not my cup of tea.  Makes me ask myself 20 times a day why do I live in Wisconsin, why do I live in Wisconsin, WHY DO I LIVE IN WISCONSIN?  The only reason I stay here is for my family!  They better feel appreciated. lol.  I finally got my lesson plans done for my maternity leave and met with my long term sub.  She is ready to go! Wufta. I just checked one thing off my list of the 20 things I need to get done at school before I take maternity leave.  Everything else this week went great.  It was nice to meet with my doctor.  Everything is still looking good, so we are going to let the baby keep growing:)  The baby's heart rate was 145 and my belly was measuring right on. I am officially larger than when I gave birth to Kenna at 39+ weeks. I will post a picture. I am feeling the bigger belly as well. I am definitely more uncomfortable this time around. Tired, crabby, I get super hot and sick feeling, can't sit on the couch, have a hard time shaving my legs, struggle to keep my balance and put on my shoes. So many fun things about being pregnant!  I am going to finish the rest of the weekend with some shopping and watching the PACKERS! GO PACK GO! Have a great weekend everyone.        

How far along?  37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 22/23 Pounds     
Maternity clothes? Yes. I am running out of clothes that fit my growing belly.  
Stretch Marks? zero so far- Thought I spotted one on my lower belly, but can't find it today.  It is hard to see under my belly though.  
Best Moment: Doctor Visit and hitting 37 weeks- Baby can come at any time now and he or she will be healthy:) 
Miss Anything: Sleeping through the night, working out, not being tired, drinking as much caffeine as I please, being comfortable siting on the couch.   
Movement: Yes, the babe is running out of room though.  His/Her movements are less and my whole stomach moves.  
Food cravings:  Not much this week. Veggies just sound terrible.  Any type of bread or grain is always good;) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week    
Have you started to show yet? Oh ya, girl I think my belly got big.             
Labor Signs: Nothing- no braxton hicks or contractions.  The doctor checked me at my 36 week appointment and I was 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. I know that it doesn't mean anything, but heck I am 1 cm closer to 10. When my water broke with Kenna I was barely a 1/2 cm dilated and I am not sure I was even effaced.   
Belly button in or out? Popped  
Gender:GUESSES?? I am going to guess January 24th, Boy- 7lbs 8oz. lol. That is my guess.  Travis thinks Jan 29th, Girl 6lbs 11oz.      
Wedding ring on or off? Still on.    
Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY, crabby, tired, and uncomfortable.  The negative degree weather here has got us cooped up and it is starting to drive me crazy.   
Looking forward to:
SPENDING TIME WITH KENNA GIRL! Being one week closer to meeting our baby girl or boy.  Getting caught up at school, cleaning the house, finalizing things for whenever the baby arrives, and having a baby  

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