Monday, December 29, 2014

35 Weeks

34 Weeks 

35 Weeks 
Alright folks, sorry I have been mia these last couple weeks. School was kicking my butt. I was trying to get things ready for Christmas for my family and for my kids at school. I was also trying to get a ton of assessing and grading done, to get my new groups started in January for whenever my long term sub comes, but I am finally on break now:) YAY. Last week, we had 6 Christmas's and they were all wonderful.  Having a child makes Christmas 100 times more fun. Kenna loves the lights, the tree, decorating cookies, eating cookies, opening presents, wrapping presents, playing with bows, and getting new toys of course. lol. She honestly makes Christmas so much fun. 

We have been crazy busy, after the Helland Christmas on Friday, we drove down to Milwaukee to see Travis's brother, his wife, and their brand new baby.  Logan, was born on Monday, December 22nd.  This is Kenna's first cousin on Trav's side.  This is also her 6th boy cousin overall.  She is a little outnumbered.  We had a lot of fun in Milwaukee holding the baby, playing games, and enjoying family time. Oh and we watched frozen a couple times.  Kenna got it for Christmas and it's her new favorite movie! I love to listen to her sing. LET IT GO, LET IT GO, NO MORE!  lol. That is about all I can make out when she is singing, but it is pretty dang cute. We finally made it home last night at 11 p.m. 

Today we did nothing. We stayed inside all day and cleaned and napped and got the baby room ready.  I went through all the clothes and sorted out the new born clothes.  So we are pretty much ready to go! CRAZY.  

As for baby, things are looking great.  I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and the Ultrasound tech said that the baby was measuring a week a head.  So the baby is measuring big! YAY. That is great.  Kenna was a tiny little thing.  The tech also said that the head was down and the baby was in the right position. I also got my blood drawn again and am still waiting on the results.  It usually takes a week to get them and with Christmas I still haven't heard anything.  I am guessing they will be good. My hands have been itching more and usually only at night, but nothing unbearable.  As of right now, my doctor says we can just keep everything normal until my results come back high/if they come back high.  Either way we are ready!     

How far along?  35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 20 Pounds     
Maternity clothes? Yes. Things are starting to shrink on me.  
Stretch Marks? I haven't spotted any, but I can't believe my belly can keep stretching like it is without getting any.  
Best Moment: Christmas:) Another ultrasound! Baby is head down! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping through the night, working out, not being tired, drinking as much caffeine as I please 
Movement: Yes, a lot at night.  
Food cravings:  Cereal always sounds good and taste good, Peanutbutter and honey toast, and any fruit.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week    
Have you started to show yet? Oh ya, officially bigger now than when I gave birth to Kenna.                 
Labor Signs: Nothing 
Belly button in or out? POPPED      
Gender: I thought a boy, until the ultrasound last Tuesday.  The baby kind of looked like a girl. I didn't see anything to tell me for sure boy or girl, but it kind of looked like a girl.   Wedding ring on or off? Still on.    
Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY, woke up on the wrong side of the bed today Looking forward to:
A week of nothing.  So happy I have this week off from school.  After six Christmas's last week and traveling to Milwaukee last weekend, I am ready to relax.  Looking forward to being full term.  Nothing else exciting happening in January besides hopefully having a baby;)

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along?  33 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 18 Pounds     
Maternity clothes? Yes. Wearing the same boring stuff every week lol.  
Stretch Marks? I haven't spotted any, but have been watching closely. My belly is getting bigger.  
Best Moment: Made it through another week. My bile results came back normal:) Got to hear baby's heartbeat! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping, and not being tired    
Movement: Yes, a lot at night.  
Food cravings:  Puppy chow 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week    
Have you started to show yet? Yes, baby belly continues to grow everyday.                
Labor Signs: Feeling great
Belly button in or out? Still half popped         
Gender: Still guessing it is a boy     
Wedding ring on or off? Still on.    
Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY and tired.   
Looking forward to:
Pregnancy massage on Monday, 6 days of school until Christmas break, Christmas, spending more time with Kenna, feeling better (caught a dang cold this week), and we are getting an ultrasound at 34 weeks! 

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Sunday, December 7, 2014

8 months pregnant

Look at that belly grow. I can't believe I am 8 months pregnant. Soo crazy. I also think it is silly that people trick you all of your life and tell you, you are only pregnant for 9 months. That is a fib. You are pregnant for 10 months. So, I still have 2 months to go. I think it will go by really fast with the holidays. From now until Christmas we have so many fun activities planned I think the time will just fly by.   December is not a bad time to be pregnant.  Everything has been going well.  We are having Kenna's birthday party today with just my family members.  I can't wait to spoil her a little bit.  Right now she is just really excited for her Elmo cupcakes.  I don't think she even knows she gets presents as well. LOL. Little kids are the best.  She fills my heart with so much joy. 

As for the baby side of things. I have been feeling really tired.  The kids have been crazy at school. I am blaming it on the full moon and that Christmas is in 2 1/2 weeks away, but man they are wearing me out.  My stomach has also been really icky this week. It just doesn't feel the best. My back also hurts.  Hopefully next week things will calm down.  I head to the doctor Tuesday for my 32 week appointment.  I will get more blood work done and see how things are going from there.  

How far along?  32 Weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: 18 Pounds- Scale fixed lol. 
Maternity clothes? Yes- tempted to buy more. Getting sick of wearing the same shirts every week.  
Stretch Marks?  Nothing so far! I feel like I can feel my skin stretching though  
Best Moment: Making it through another week- getting closer to Christmas break. This mama is tired.  
Miss Anything:Not being tired and having more motivation.  
Movement: Yes:)   
Food cravings:  Nothing this week 
Anything making you queasy or sick: My stomach still does not feel the best.  
SymptomsTired, heart burn in my back. I know crazy.  I burp and my back burns and it gets stuck for a couple seconds (its really weird).  I also have itching a the top of my one foot and my right hand itches.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes- baby is popping.  
Labor Signs: Nope- nothing  
Belly button in or out? Still just the top 
Gender:  My guess is still a boy 
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired and irritable 
Looking forward to: Kenna's birthday party today, a pregnancy massage, my doctor appointment this week, going to a play with my dad and Susan, hanging out with our friends, and resting!  

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