Almost half way
I am little late posting my 19 week blog. It is also time to do my 20 week one. July has been crazy. I also think baby Helland is having a growing spurt. It takes me three days to recover from the weekends. This last week we were at Country Jam. It was a great time seeing all of our friends. I think next time that I am pregnant and we have to go to Jam I might only go for two days. The third day took a toll on me. I was pretty tired out from the lack of sleep, water, and good food. I still loved seeing Jason aldean, Luke Bryan, and Justin Moore on Saturday. Once we got back from Jam we had a softball game on Sunday night. Monday we had Volleyball and Tuesday and Wednesday Travis had softball. We also took time to pick some veggies from our garden. It is wonderful having a garden. I am very lucky that my husband weeds because I am not a fan. But here is what has been up with my pregnancy.
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19 weeks |
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes yet, trying to hold off as long as possible.
Stretch Marks? No stretch marks as of yet. I have been using cream a couple nights a week and lots of lotion after showering.
Best Moment: I felt the baby moveJ Hopefully I feel it more. Also, we got to see our great friends from Washington for the weekend. OHHH and seeing Justin Moore, Luke Bryan, and Jason Aldean wasn’t too bad;)
Miss Anything? As bad as this sounds, I miss not taking care of myself. Working out as hard as I want, or eating whatever and whenever I want. All worth it in the end though!!!!
Movement: Pretty sure I felt baby Helland move. I can’t wait to feel him/her move more often.
Food cravings: No cravings this week, but have been eating more.
Anything making you queasy or sick: None, feeling betterJ
Have you started to show yet? Well it just looks like I put on a few pounds around the waist line. Looks like I am getting a little thicker. No official baby bump yet, only when I eat or drink water. I think I will pop any day. In addition, I have been having some stretching pains. GOODBYE ABSL
Gender: Not sure. We had lots of guesses this weekend by our friends. Two think it’s a girl and one thinks it is a boy.
Labor Signs: No labor signs yet.
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it.
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week I have been sleepy, I think from being in the heat. Otherwise I have been pretty happy.
Looking forward to: I am still looking forward to the ultrasound in two weeks. Also, tomorrow our great friends fly in from Washington . We are headed to their parents house for a bbq. Then on Thursday is Travis’s birthday and country jam starts. Pretty excited to see LUKE BRYAN and JASON ALDEAN. Should be a fun filled weekend with some great country music and some great friends. On Sunday, Travis and I plan to hit up the St. Croix County fair on the way home.
Here are also some pictures of our veggies we got from our garden (that I am very excited about)