3rd Trimester- SAY WHAT
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Tiger Tuesday- 28 weeks |
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My Bump Looks bigger in this one:) |
This weekend, I did not do much. I had a sore throat Saturday when I woke up so I ended up napping and laying around all day. Sunday, I went to church and a wedding shower for my husband’s brother’s fiancé. They are getting married this November. It was fun seeing Trav’s family. This week has been just busy with more school stuff. I also had my glucose test, which I failed. LOL. I laugh because I am not surprised at all. I missed it by one point. You need to be under 140 and I scored 140. The nurse said it was probably something I ate for lunch. Looking back on it, that day I ate honey and peanut butter banana sandwich for lunch and sugary cereal for breakfast and yogurt and fruit. So only sugar all day. Me not being very smart did not even think about eating something besides sugar on the day I got my glucose test. Now I have to take the three hour test this Saturday. What a long time to spend at the clinic. All worth it to make sure I am taking care of the baby. I have also realized I should probably not eat so much sugar in a day and should eat more veggies. So it is probably a good thing I failed the first time around.
Also last weekend we ended up not getting our in floor heating, but we are getting it done this weekend and I CANT WAITJ Our house is getting chilly and now I will have an excuse to warm up the house and try out the new in floor heatingJ
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 11 pounds. Some days I am more and some days I am less.
Maternity clothes? Still no new clothes. Getting tempted to go buy some.
Stretch Marks? None that I have spotted
Best Moment: Hearing the baby’s heart beat. I am also loving my baby belly more and more and the little baby in there.
Miss Anything: Sleepiness has picked back up.
Movement: Yes, not as much this week. Mostly at night.
Food cravings: No food cravings. Sick of cooking.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I might be catching a cold. Three of my students went home sick yesterday and all three were still gone today. They are just dropping left and right.
Have you started to show yet? Yes, I have now been asked by a couple people if I was expecting. Also, the teachers at school informed me I finally look pregnant.
Gender: Nurse predicted it was a girl.
Labor Signs: No labor signs.
Belly button in or out? Looking funny
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SLEEPY
Looking forward to: October. I have lots of exciting things coming my way. I have two weddings in October, my first baby shower, Halloween, two baby doctor appointments, my sister’s 30th birthday, and hopefully a trip to an apple orchard.