Thursday, November 29, 2012

37 Weeks. FULL TERM:)

Look at that Belly

37 weeks- Full term. SAY WHAT.  I can’t believe it, I am full term this week.  Baby H can arrive anytime now.  I am not expecting him/her anytime soon though; they say most babies come within a week of the due date.  So I still have a couple weeks to go.  This last week was great.  I LOVE THANKSGIVING.  It was great to see my family.  I ALSO LOVE BLACK FRIDAY.  I usually get all of my Christmas shopping done on black Friday, but this year I did not get everything I wanted.  When I got home I realized that I didn’t even buy that much, so I will have to go out shopping again.   The best thing I bought was a DISH WASHER.  I can’t wait for it to arrive, I hate doing dishes.  I really don’t mind cleaning, but I hate doing dishes.  We hope to get it installed this weekend and try it out. 
As for the rest of the weekend, I did nothing.   Travis was up north hunting and I stayed home and rested up.   I watched 6 Christmas life time movies and gave the house a good cleaning.   It was a pretty good low key weekend.   
As for being pregnant, everything is going well there.  I have been more tired lately and going to bed around 8:30.  I feel like such an old lady lol.  We also got an ultrasound on Monday.  It was amazing seeing our little peanut.  The baby is measuring right onJ  The doctor just said she did not think I was going to have a big baby, which is fine by me.  As much fun as it sounds to push a nine pound baby out I have no problem starting off with a 6 to 7 pounder.  I actually don’t care how much it weighs; I just want it to be healthy.  The heart rate was at 150.  It also looked like little baby H might have my little nose.   We will see what it looks like in real life.  After seeing little baby H made me even more excited to meet him or her.  I have also been having more dreams about having the baby.                      

How far along?  37 weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: 19 pounds- gained 3 pounds this week. Looks like I did a great job at Thanksgiving.     
Maternity clothes? Yes.  I am now running out of clothes to wear, but I am not going to buy anymore.    
Stretch Marks? I haven’t spotted anything yet.
Miss Anything:  Running and exercising  
Movement: Yes, more of a rolling motion.  The baby is still hanging out on the right side.  My stomach is always way lopsided.   
Food cravings:  Those Christmas cookies that are the Ritz crackers with peanut butter in the middle and then they are dipped in chocolate.  I could eat like five a day.  Probably why I gained 3 pounds last week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing     
Have you started to show yet? Yes, it is seriously growing every day.             
Labor Signs: No, but more cramping this week.  That must mean something is going on down there.  
Belly button in or out? Poppin     
Gender: Not sure, I think it looks like a girl on the ultrasound.  We didn’t get a 3-D ultrasound or anything, but I think it just looks like a girl.  Even though I think it might be a girl I have had four dreams that it is a boy.  So we will see. 
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on for now.  Starting to get a little puffy.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy-
Looking forward to: Meeting our little one.  I am also looking forward to this weekend.  We are going to a play with my dad and stepmom.  I am also looking forward to getting our dishwasher installed.  We also almost have everything set up for the baby.  This weekend we are going to clean the car and put the car seat in lol.  Still crazy to believe we will have a baby in a couple short weeks here.  CAN’T WAIT. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

36 WEEKS- 4 to go

36 weeks. PJ Day at School

The Very Beginning

36 weeks.  Where does the time go.  My belly is just growing by the day.  My face is getting puffy too.  This last week was great.  A bunch of my college friends came into town for the weekend.  It was so great seeing them.  Makes me miss them so much and wish they didn’t live over 4 hours away.  It was great to visit with them and catch up.  My sister and my mom also threw me a wonderful baby shower.  So many of my friends came and spoiled baby H with lots of wonderful things.  I am so thankful to have such amazing women in my life.   We almost got everything we need for baby H to arrive.  Travis and I, washed everything and put all of the little clothes away.  It is amazing how our little baby will fit in those tiny clothes.  It makes me so excited to meet him/her.   It is funny at the beginning of our pregnancy we got so many guesses that baby H was a girl, as of lately so many people have switched and are now guessing it is a boy. I cant wait to find out. Hopefully sometime in early December baby H will arrive early and surprise us.  
School this week was a little crazy with Thanksgiving break coming up.  My students were very excited and ready for a long weekend.  I definitely felt the tiredness of being pregnant these first three days of the week.  It was hard to get up and get moving. I just keep telling myself in four weeks I will be able to stay home with my new little baby for 7 weeksJ
We also had another doctor’s appointment this week.   Baby H’s heart rate was 170.  Last time it was 140 and has been as low as 129.  The nurse said he/she was moving all over in there.  I have no idea how people predict if it is a boy or girl based on the heart rate.  Everything else with the doctor appointment went well. I am still measuring great for 36 weeks and on Monday we get an ultrasound to check the baby’s size. I can’t wait to find out how our little one is doing in there.     

How far along?  36 weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds- gaining a pound every week. I also think that I am on track to gain two pounds this week. 
Maternity clothes? Yes. My friends and I did a little shopping last week and got a couple new shirts to show off my wonderful tummy.       
Stretch Marks? I haven’t spotted any yet, but my friend told me her friend got a ton the last week so you never know.     
Best Moment: SEEING MY FRIENDS    
Miss Anything:  Running.  I cant wait to go on a long run and get a good sweat going.          
Movement: Yes, more of a rolling motion.  The baby always hangs out on the right hand side of my tummy and rolls its feet up by my ribs. I think he/she is running out of room. 
Food cravings:  No cravings. Loving dessert, but that is nothing new from before I was pregnant.    
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing     
Have you started to show yet? Yes, yes, and yes. My sister says my belly looks fake.  It just popped right out there.           
Labor Signs: No , but I am feeling some pain down my right leg.  I also sometimes get a little cramping, but I do not think I have had any contractions.     
Belly button in or out? Poppin      
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on for now.  Starting to get a  little puffy.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy-
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to my ultrasound on Monday and being full term (37 weeks).   It is crazy to think baby H can arrive anytime in the next 3 to 4 weeks. That is sooo soon, but I am ready to finally meet our little one.    

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

35 Weeks

35 weeks. Yes I look great in sweat pants:) Travis and I just cleaned the whole hosue.

34 Weeks

35 weeks pregnant.  I am getting so excited to meet this little girl or boy.  Travis and I have been getting things ready around the house. Organizing the baby room, washing baby clothes, and putting stuff in our room so we are all ready for when the little one decides it wants to arrive.  
As for this week, our lives have been very eventful.   Last week we traveled down to Milwaukee for Travis’s brothers wedding.  It was great to see all his family and celebrate his brothers wedding.  His aunt is an ob nurse and she predicted the baby would come early. Whooo hooo. Sounds good to me.   In addition, to traveling to Milwaukee I got the 24 hour flu while in Milwaukee. IT WAS TERRIBLE.  I am pretty sure I caught it from my kids at school.   On Friday on our drive down to Milwaukee I did not feel the best, but thought it could be from being pregnant and riding in the car for five some hours.  But I was wrong because as the day went on I got more and more sick.  By the time we were at the rehearsal dinner I felt terrible. After that things went down hill and let’s say it was a bad night with no sleep.  I was very thankful that the next day I woke up after two hours of sleep and did not feel sick.  I was pretty tired for the wedding, but no puking. So that’s good.  I also didn’t get to bust a move since my doctor told me to take it easy. I will post pictures from the wedding soon.   
I have also been crazy busy at school trying to get things organized and grades ready for report cards.  Today one of my students asked me if being a teacher is hard.  I said it is just A LOT of work.  My job is never done and there are always more things you can do to make your lessons better or your classroom better for your kiddos.   It will be interesting to leave my class for my maternity leave.  It will be weird to turn over my classroom.     

How far along?  35 Weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds. Didn’t gain much because of the flu, but have been eating double to make up for it.  
Maternity clothes? Yes. My normal wardrobe is starting to get smaller and smaller.  I look at some of my clothes and can’t believe I ever fit into them.   
Stretch Marks? Zero spotted so far.  Keeping my fingers cross. 
Best Moment: Getting the baby’s room organizedJ 
Miss Anything:  I think the baby has a foot stuck in my ribs.  I have pain all day. I also miss running and working up a good sweat.        
Movement: Yes, lots still.   I feel hiccups almost every night.       
Food cravings:  No cravings  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything on Friday night    
Have you started to show yet? Yes, yes, and yes. Baby belly is growing everyday.        
Labor Signs: I think I did have some contractions over the weekend when I was sick and dehydrated.    
Belly button in or out? Poppin      
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on. I think it got a little tighter this week. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy-
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to my friends coming this weekendJ I can’t wait to see them.  I miss them so much. They all live way to far away.  Also, my sister is throwing me a shower this weekend.  I am also looking forward to our next doctors’ appointment a week from now.  The doctor is going to give me my first check.  I am sure there will be nothing exciting going on, but it just means were one step closer to meeting baby H.  I am also excited for Thanksgiving and black Friday.  So many great things coming upJ  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

33 WEEKS only 7 left


A little after 33 weeks

33 weeks pregnant.  Being pregnant is a very weird thing.  I wonder if I am really any different then when I was not pregnant.  Are my hormones making me more impatient and making me moody? Or is that just me?  Will I feel different when I am not pregnant?  Will being a mom change who I am? How will this experience affect me?  So we will see in 7 weeks how much pregnancy has affected me. At some points being pregnant goes by so slow and then other days I stop and think holy smokes Travis and I are going to be parents.  It is exciting and scary all at once.  Some days I can’t wait and others day I panic a little.  
Anyways, back to this week.  This last weekend we had some friends over and played some cards.  We also had my family over on Sunday for my sister’s 30th birthday.  It was great seeing all of my sisters.  We also had lots of good food.  It is also weird to have our house full of people.  Usually it just me and Travis, but it was nice having people over for awhile.  It was also nice to not have to drive anywhere.  Travis also shot his first deer bow hunting, so that was exciting.  At school, things have been good. I am getting more tired every week. This scares me because I still have 7 weeks to go.  I might have to start taking naps at lunch.  My students were also a little off because of Halloween.  I am thankful tomorrow is Friday so I can relax some this weekend.  But I am off to bed. The only thing that has kept me up this late is the CMA’s.   

How far along?  33 Weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds. 
Maternity clothes? Yes. Wearing more and more every week.     
Stretch Marks? None yet.  Keeping my fingers cross.  With my belly growing everyday I don’t know if I will make it without any.     
Best Moment: We had a doctor’s appointment last week.  Everything is still looking good. 
Miss Anything:  Tiredness has hit in big time.  I have no energy and things are only going to get worseL Growing a baby is a lot of work lol.      
Movement: Yes, more now at school.  I hope one day that baby H will be moving enough for my kids to seem him/her.     
Food cravings:  Nothing sounds good. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week. 
Have you started to show yet? Yes, for sure.  My sister even informed me that my butt was getting bigger as well.  I guess a girl can’t keep her figure at 8 months pregnant ;)  Ohh and my face is starting to get puffy.     
Labor Signs: No labor signs. 
Belly button in or out? It’s starting to pop out more everyday. The top half is popped out and the bottom half is still in.     
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on. With the weather cooling down my hands get pretty cold and my ring has not been too tight. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and tired. 
Looking forward to: Well let’s see here, in 4 days I am 8.5 months pregnant and I have another baby doctor appointment.  9 days until Trav’s brothers wedding.  15 days until I get to see my wonderful friends and have a baby shower.  21 days until Thanksgiving.  22 until black Friday.  26 days until I am full term. I would say I have lots of great things to look forward to in the month of November.