24 Weeks :)
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Growing |
What a week. This last weekend Travis and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. It was a little bit over due, but we had a great weekend. We went to a craft festival, mini golfing, played laser tag, and went to TEXAS ROADHOUSE mm mmmm good. Travis planned all of my favorite things into one dayJ We also went to a movie, the campaign, which was a terrible movie. Then we stayed in a hotel. It was an amazing day with my husband. It is unreal how fast that first year went by. On Sunday we went to church and then I went to my friends baby shower. It made me excited to get as far along as she is. I cant wait to be 37 weeks, but I am sure that will come fast as well. This week also flew by. I was at school 12 hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Wufta. I was very tired by Thursday morning. I did get to finish my classroom and get to meet some of my new students. It will be a fun year once I get them all in the classroom on TuesdayJ.
How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7-8 pounds
Maternity clothes? Still using the belly band, but it is kind of frustrating because my pants do not stay up the greatest.
Stretch Marks? None that I have spotted
Best Moment: Having breakfast with my husband Friday morning. We hadn’t seen each other all week so it was nice to spend a little time with him, eating some good food.
Miss Anything: Not being tired, drinking lots of coffee, and running
Movement: Yes, lots at night and some in the morning, during the day it is sporadic.
Food cravings: No cravings this week. Nothing sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.
Have you started to show yet? Yes, but not a ton.
Gender: Not sure, another guess this week that it was a girl. I will have to start keeping track.
Labor Signs: No labor signs.
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it.
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired most of the time. I feel like such party pooper because I never want to do anything.
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to our appointment next week. Travis and I accidently scheduled our 24 week appointment a week later. Ooops. We both have pregnancy brain. So next week is the first day of school with the kiddos and then my appointment on Friday. I look forward to hearing the heartbeat and asking my doc a couple questions. Then after that we only have three weeks until my 28 week appointment and third trimester. WHOOO HOOO.