Friday, August 31, 2012

24 Weeks :)


What a week.  This last weekend Travis and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary.  It was a little bit over due, but we had a great weekend.  We went to a craft festival, mini golfing, played laser tag, and went to TEXAS ROADHOUSE mm mmmm good.    Travis planned all of my favorite things into one dayJ  We also went to a movie, the campaign, which was a terrible movie.  Then we stayed in a hotel.  It was an amazing day with my husband. It is unreal how fast that first year went by.  On Sunday we went to church and then I went to my friends baby shower.  It made me excited to get as far along as she is.  I cant wait to be 37 weeks, but I am sure that will come fast as well.  This week also flew by.  I was at school 12 hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Wufta.  I was very tired by Thursday morning.  I did get to finish my classroom and get to meet some of my new students.  It will be a fun year once I get them all in the classroom on TuesdayJ. 

How far along?  24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7-8 pounds    
Maternity clothes? Still using the belly band, but it is kind of frustrating because my pants do not stay up the greatest.       
Stretch Marks? None that I have spotted    
Best Moment: Having breakfast with my husband Friday morning.  We hadn’t seen each other all week so it was nice to spend a little time with him, eating some good food.        
Miss Anything:  Not being tired, drinking lots of coffee, and running  
Movement: Yes, lots at night and some in the morning, during the day it is sporadic. 
Food cravings: No cravings this week.  Nothing sounds good.        
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nothing this week.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes, but not a ton.         
Gender: Not sure, another guess this week that it was a girl.  I will have to start keeping track.               
Labor Signs: No labor signs. 
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it. 
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired most of the time.  I feel like such party pooper because I never want to do anything.     
Looking forward to:  I am looking forward to our appointment next week. Travis and I accidently scheduled our 24 week appointment a week later.  Ooops. We both have pregnancy brain.  So next week is the first day of school with the kiddos and then my appointment on Friday.  I look forward to hearing the heartbeat and asking my doc a couple questions.   Then after that we only have three weeks until my 28 week appointment and third trimester. WHOOO HOOO. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another Week Has Come and Gone

Growing everyday:)

Where does the time go when you are having fun… or busy…. Or in your classroom all the time..  This last weekend we were actually home. I can’t even believe it.  This was the first time we were home since the beginning of June.   Travis is coaching football so he had a scrimmage on Friday night therefore I got to stay home and watch movies.  On Saturday, I went out to eat with some of my sisters and my mom and grandma.  It was great to see them and my two little nephews who are crazy, but super cute.  It is always funny to see what they have to say.   On Saturday afternoon Travis played in softball tournament.  Sunday we were able to go to church and attend the church picnic.  I always feel better after going to church and I am pretty sure the baby loves church because it moved the whole time.  I think it was dancing to the music.  The rest of Sunday we cleaned and relaxed.   This week I have been teaching summer school and staying after to work on my classroom.  I am finally getting things moved and am putting my room together.  The more I get done the better I feel about switching to third grade and starting the school year.  At first it was a bit overwhelming. 

How far along?  23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 8 pounds    
Maternity clothes? I am using my belly band everyday and trying to hold off on getting maternity clothes until I have to.  Maternity clothes are expensive.    
Stretch Marks? None that I have spotted    
Best Moment:  Best moment this week was on Monday the baby was moving around all day like crazy.  It is fun to feel little H moving.     
Miss Anything:  Not being tired. Even though I now believe I will be tired for life. 
Movement: YesJ J I even noticed my belly move one time when baby H kicked me.      
Food cravings: No cravings this week.      
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nothing this week.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes.  At night it is the most obvious after I eat lots of food and drink lots of water.  It is amazing how your body works and changes just a little everyday.  One day I am going to wake up and be like "oh my gosh" I have quite the belly.      
Gender: That is the question.            
Labor Signs: No labor signs. 
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it. 
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.  
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Both. Working all day in my classroom and then coming home and cleaning and cooking makes me very tired by 8:00.  I would say that I am not the happiest camper at that time. I don’t want to do anything. Today, I am very happy, but I also had a little caffeine.  I attribute my happiness to that little caffeine because it helps with my sleepiness. mmm mmm it is good stuff.  
Looking forward to:  I am looking forward to Fall. Reasons why I love fall:  Pumpkins, Thanksgiving, BLACK FRIDAY, crisp air, blue skies, leaves falling, the smell of fall, cross country season,  anything pumpkin flavored, fall decorations, fall food (soo sick of grilling out, please no more burgers, brats, or chicken off the grill, bring on the chili and chicken and biscuits), my friend is moving closer to Travis and I:) She will be in driving distance!!!, buying more baby items, decorating the nursary, and football.  GOSH I JUST LOVE MY GREEN BAY PACKERS. Church and football on Sunday it couldn’t get any better.  Don’t worry I already purchased a couple packer outfits for the little oneJ  Travis is a Vikings fan, but my baby will never wear purple and yellow. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

22 Weeks

Another week away from home.  This last weekend we went to Travis’s parent’s cabin.  It was a very nice weekend. We played lots of cards ate a lot of wonderful food and got some sleep.  We also went mini golfing which I GOT TWO HOLE IN ONES. No big deal.  I was pretty excited.   This week I started summer school and working on my classroom and wufta I am tired out.  I took a two and half hour nap today after school.  I may need to start drinking coffee when school starts.  Maybe a little every other day.   We will see how it goes. I have a feeling that this fall is going to fly by.  

How far along?  22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? I had a wake up call this week when I went to my closet to put on my work clothes on Monday morning.  I think my work clothes are lot more slim fitting compared to my summer clothes because I could not fit into my work pants lol.  Luckily, I had one belly band which worked great.  I will have to go buy a cream and black belly band to match some of my other clothes.    
Stretch Marks? I have not found any, but those suckers are sneaky and have 18 more weeks to creep up on me.       
Best Moment:  Travis feeling the baby kick.  One night after dinner it was going crazy and I had Travis put his hand on my tummy and of course the baby quit moving and then bam, gave me a good old kick and Travis couldn’t believe it.  It was pretty cool to share that with him.    
Miss Anything:  Drinking multiple cups of coffee in a day.  
Movement: Yes.  Feeling it more and more. Can’t wait for him/her to get stronger.       
Food cravings: Nothing this week. Most of the time I can’t find anything that sounds good.  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nothing this week.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes, no huge bump though.   I think most people just think I have put on weight because it does not look like a baby bump yet. 
Gender: So when I picture me with the baby I picture a girl, but then when I think about what I am having I think it is a boy.  So we will see.          
Labor Signs: No labor signs yet. 
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it. 
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and then dead tired.  I was at school for 12 hours one day and I don’t think that was a good idea because it tired me out for the week.  The thing of it all is that I didn’t even get anything done when I was there. I was just making list of what I needed and how I needed to set everything else. In the mornings I teach summer school so I cannot get anything done at that time.     
Looking forward to:  Pumpkin spice creamer coming back to the stores. Caribou coffee also has new pumpkin drinks coming out.  I also have been looking online at baby items (cribs, changing tables, rockers, and I can’t wait to buy them for our little peanut).  I am looking forward to putting the baby room together.   Maybe I will start this weekend because we will actually be home!!! YAY.  I am also looking forward to fall.  Fall is my favorite season.  I love everything about it.  So that makes me excited even though that means it is time to start school and I am not prepared for that.  

Front View

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August Already

Let me introduce you to little baby Helland
Any guesses if it is a boy or girl?? I would love to here them.  Travis's mom and my mom both think it is a girl. 

Another wedding weekend.  This weekend we went back to the Green bay/Appleton area for Trav’s roommates wedding.  It was nice to see some friends that we had not seen since our wedding a year ago.  I have also been getting ready for school.  I also found out today that I am doing some summer stretch starting on Monday.  It will be a nice little warm up for the school year.   Tomorrow we are headed to Travis’s parent’s cabin for the rest of the weekend.  Should be a nice relaxing weekend.  

How far along?  21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5.5 lbs 
Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes yet, but I did buy a belly band.  Haven’t used it yet.  Some people love them, some people hate them.  I hope it works for me so I don’t have to buy new clothes for awhile. 
Stretch Marks? None that I have spotted    
Best Moment:  Our Ultrasound was by far the best part of this week.  It was amazing seeing our little baby in there.  Makes becoming parents so real watching the tiny baby in my stomach move all around.   Also, the ultrasound told us that everything was normal and that are baby was healthy and right on track for December 19th. 
Miss Anything:  I miss not being tired all of the time.  I think I have been tired for the last two weeks straight. 
Movement: Yes.  Feeling it more and more.    
Food cravings: Food- still love ham, egg, cheese sandwiches and nectarines.    
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nothing this week.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes, a little at a time.  Some days more than others.     
Gender: I have no idea.  Sometimes I think it’s a girl and sometimes I think it’s a boy.          
Labor Signs: No labor signs yet. 
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it. 
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: TIRED.  All week. 
Looking forward to:  I am looking forward to not being sleeping. I still do not feel rested from the weekend.  

And here is 21 weeks. 

A closer look

Seem to be having a lot of bad hair days. lol.  Trying to figure out whats up. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

HaLf WaY ThErE

Another week has come and gone.   It is amazing how fast time goes by.   This last week on Thursday we drove to Appleton to be apart of my college roommates wedding.  My friend was absolutely a beautiful bride and her wedding went great.  Travis and I had a great time seeing my other roommates and visiting with them.  Makes me sad they all live so far awayL  That was our weekend.  This week we have been cleaning and picking veggies from our garden.  Travis and I were also in our classrooms starting to set stuff up. EEEKKK I can’t believe school is going to start in a month. Lots of work to do in a short amount of time.  I am switching to a new school district and starting a new grade.  I am switching from 8th grade science to 3rd grade.  What a jump, but I am very excited.     

How far along?  20 Weeks (HALF WAY THERE) J
Total weight gain/loss: 5.5 lbs. The baby must have went through a growth spurt  
Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes yet, trying to hold off as long as possible. It is not looking good though.   I might go buy a belly band  
Stretch Marks? I can’t find any stretch marks yet.  
Best Moment:  On Friday, was my college roommate wedding.  Travis and I had a great time seeing all of my friends. 
Miss Anything Coffee, Coffee, Coffee-   I still have a half a cup here and there, but not too much.  
Movement: Yes.  I wish he/she would move more.  I can only feel it when I am doing absolutely nothing.  So either right in the morning or at night before bed.    
Food cravings: Food- I seem to love egg, ham, cheese sandwiches, but I don’t crave them.  If I don’t know what to eat they always sound good. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nothing this week.  
Have you started to show yet? Yes, I am starting to pop.  Hopefully, I don’t gain weight a lot of other places besides my belly.   
Gender: Still unsure.   I will try to make a guess after our ultrasound.        
Labor Signs: No labor signs yet. 
Belly button in or out? Belly button still in. There are no changes yet to it. 
Wedding ring on or off? My wedding ring is still on.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happyJ      
Looking forward to:  ULTRASOUND ON FRIDAYJ   I can’t wait to see little baby Helland and how big he/she is.  I will post pictures of our little peanut when I get them.